Waste Water Treatment
Waste Water Treatment Systems
Around 95% of water is recycled!
As all of our culture systems—from Brood-Stock Holding to Larval Rearing, Quarantine to Nursery, and finally Grow Out—are conducted in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS), we are able to recycle around 95% of water with our waste water treatment systems. This means we use 90-99% less water and less than 1% of the land area than traditional aquaculture farms, and it also means we can employ an environmentally safe waste management treatment system.
Our waste is collected by the 3 main methods of filtration: settling, mechanical filtration, and flocculation. The small amount of waste collected is then sent to a specific waste water treatment system, where it is treated by the same method, and the clean water remaining after filtration is reintroduced into our farms. The captured solids are held in special geo textile bags, which, when full, are used as fertiliser or burned as a fuel.